The Holistic

Therapeutic sessions offered by Rose.

The word "holistic" comes from the Greek word holos, which means "whole" or "entire. Created by Jan Christian Smuts, a South African philosopher.  He explored a philosophy on the organization of nature, which he believed was a "synthetic" movement that evolved by creating "wholes" that were greater than the sum of their parts. He believed that the universe was made up of three wholes: matter, life, and mind.


The Womb Journey


During the wild year of 2020 I was initiated into a Peruvian womb lineage.  I had felt disconnected from this part of my body for some time and had discovered a shamanic practitioner Chloe Isidora who was leading Womb Journeys in London.  I was so moved by my first experience of a womb journey: the gentle and powerful experience of gathering with a small group of women in a beautiful room in Notting Hill and connecting with this mysterious portal that when the opportunity came up to train with Chloe, it was a very clear Yes.  During the same year I also experienced the shamanic womb teachings of Janine Ma-Ree and deepened my studies. 

For the past five years I have offered the Womb Journey to individuals and groups.  It is open for anyone who was birthed out of a womb - whether you have a physical womb or not.   My belief is that feelings of: disconnectedness; feeling separate; isolated; not belonging; co-dependency to others and outside systems are at the root - together with any trauma and wounding - related to our relationship with The Mother.  This can be with our birth mother and/or the greater concept of the mother.  Whilst we all have feminine and masculine energies within us, whether you are in a female or male body, our womb was our first home.

These sessions are for you if you feel the longing to connect deeper with the mother, the earth, nature, your ancestors, your body and your truth.   To release anything which you are holding consciously or unconsciously in relation to birthing, whether it is a child or a project or a relationship.

Each journey is unique and I work intuitively with the individual or group.

Womb healing sessions: For Women

Connecting to the womb through a sacred held journey can assist in releasing the fear and pain that can often be held in the womb space knowingly or unknowingly.

When we clear, awaken and activate our womb space creativity can flow and new life can flourish.

These sessions are very supportive on your fertility or creativity journey to bring you into connect with your body and your womb, to help you connect to whatever it is you long to birth. It can also be very healing and supportive if you have experienced a birth loss or abortion.

The Cacao Journey


I have been working and co-creating with Ceremonial Cacao for six years.

In 2019 I went to my first Cacao Ceremony with Sorrell Robbins in Margate and I was hooked.  I spent the next couple of years journeying at regular ceremonies in person and online with Rebekah Shaman and Keith Wilson of Keith's Cacao, who I also did Cacao Practitioner training with.  From 2020 I started to lead ceremonies both in person and online.

I experience the pure ceremonial Cacao as a very nurturing gentle heart opener, to connect deeper to the body and to life.

I share cacao in many ways, in individual ceremony and in groups, sometimes with drumming, sound bowls, breathwork or movement.


How to Prepare your Cacao for the Journey

You can make your Cacao up using the following quantities:

~ 42 grams (per 250ml) if you would like to take a ceremonial dose and 21-30 grams (per 250ml) for a lighter dose (or for those who are affected by caffeine)

~ I’d suggest not to take any other drink containing caffeine during the day of the journey, either before or after. And keep off any alcohol for the 24-48 hours either side of the Journey.

If you need more instructions on preparing - Rebekah Shaman has a very helpful video on preparation: Cacao Prep

Medical Info

Please avoid cacao if you are on SSRI's or an antidepressants, heavily pregnant, have high blood pressure or heart problems.

Where to Buy

The cacao I work with in my sessions is from Keith's Cacao and Rebekah Shaman, Ritual Cacao:

Keith's Cacao

Rebekah Shaman - Ritual Cacao

The Movement Journey


I trained as a teacher in Michaela Boehm's The Non-Linear Movement Method® in 2022.

The Non-Linear Movement Method® (NLMM) is a powerful somatic method developed by Michaela Boehm over the past 2 decades of instruction and practice.

The method is rooted in her early training in a Kashmiri Shakta Tradition and fused with her extensive expertise in working with trauma, emotional closures, and physical contractions in her clients and students; as well as in implementing this technique in her own practice.

In recent years Steve James refined and clarified the method, added original material, and contributed significantly to formatting it for educational delivery.

This method has many deep, powerful applications:

~ Regulates the nervous system

~ Processes and identifies emotions

~ Awakens erotic energy and sensual sensation

~ Releases trauma patterns into flow

~ Unites mind and body in intimacy with physical sensation

~ Creates high bodily responsiveness

~ Opens access to bodily wisdom

NLMM is facilitated on a mat or blanket. Participants dress similar to a Yoga or Dance Class, in comfortable, non-restrictive clothing.

The method can be practiced at any age, fitness level and mobility. The movements are designed to be self regulating and can be done in any position, including laying down.

Book a Holistic Session

Individual sessions can be in person or via zoom.

To enquire and book a session:  [email protected]